• Celignis Pitch for CBE 2023 Topic


This is a topic in the 2023 work programme of the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU) which was published in December 2022, with the call for proposals opening on April 26th 2023. The deadline for submitting proposals to this call is September 20th 2023, with the results expected by February 2024 and the projects expected to start later in 2024.

Celignis is an SME that was spun-out from an EU research project (the FP7 advanced biofuels project DIBANET) that was written and coordinated by Celignis's founder Daniel Hayes.

It has now been ten years since the end of that project and over that time Celignis has grown in size and reputation and now occupies a valuable niche as being the premier analytical provider to clients in the biomass sector. We provide a wide range of compositional analysis services and bioprocessing expertise to a diverse array of customers (including SMEs, multinationals, and universities) looking to utilise biomass feedstocks, residues and wastes for the production of biobased products, biofuels, and energy.

But we have not lost sight of the importance of science and in advancing the start of the art. We were born from pioneering research and we are still passionately committed to playing our part in advancing the bioeconomy. As a result we continue to be highly active in European research projects and are particularly excited by the calls presented in the 2023 CBE-JU work programme.

In April 2023 Celignis joined the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) as a Full Industry SME Member, meaning that we can contribute to the strategic direction and future calls of the CBE-JU and that Celignis is an eligible partner for all CBE-JU actions. The CBE requires that any Large Industry or SME partner in Innovation Action (end TRL 6/7) or Flagship (end TRL 8) projects is a BIC member.

Celignis is a partner in 3 ongoing CBE projects: UNRAVEL and PERFECOAT are RIA (Research and Innovation Action) projects, whilst VAMOS is an Innovation Action project. Additionally, Celignis was a partner in the BIOrescue RIA project which was completed in 2019. Click here to read more about our involvements in these projects. They were funded as part of the Biomass Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU) programme. The BBI-JU was the precursor to the CBE-JU for which 2023 was the first year of operation.

In addition to these CBE/BBI projects, Celignis is currently active in a number of other research projects funded by the EU's Horizon programme. Click here to read more about these projects and here to learn more about our completed EU projects.

Celignis's BBI/CBE Projects
Celignis's Other Ongoing Horizon Europe Projects

Contributions Celignis Can Make to HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-01

  • Biomass fractionation technology suitable for rural feedstocks - We have developed (TRL5), in the CBE project PERFECOAT an optimised xylan extraction protocol for wheat straw, whilst in the Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope we have fine-tuned protocols for the extraction of xylans from a number of other feedstocks. This builds on our earlier work in the Horizon 2020 project SAPHIRE. In these projects we have also developed downstream processing approaches for adding value to the hemicelluloses and expanding their potential applications to a wide range of high value markets. Our technology also allows for the separation of lignin and cellulose which can also be potentially upgraded to high value products, following the biorefinery approach.

  • Side-stream evaluation and valorisation - for any biobased process it is always important to consider the principles of cascading use of biomass and zero-pollution. At Celignis we have all the necessary analytical and bioprocessing expertise and equipment to fully characterise process side-streams and demonstrate cost-effective valorisation approaches for them.
  • Expertise with analysis and processing of rural and farm-based feedstocks - Several of our national and EU projects involve activities of relevance to this topic. For instance, in our nationally-funded STEAME project we developed a small-scale technology to cost-effectively process and valorise Irish rural feedstocks, with a particular focus on grass. In this and other projects we have also collected a large amount of compositional data that provide valuable insights with regards to how feedstock parameters, and the optimal processing conditions for these feedstocks, change with farm management approaches.

  • On-site rapid analysis tools - Celignis has expertise in developing rapid NIR models for feedstocks and process outputs streams using our in-house analytical data. We have NIR models developed with >10,000 samples and can predict the chemical constituents of the sample using global and local regression models. The ongoing CBE-JU Innovation Action project VAMOS concerns the demonstration (TRL7) of a technology for producing lactic acid from biomass. Celignis is playing the role as an at-scale rapid analysis developer using rapid NIR models that Celignis has developed during the years and customised models developed for the streams in the VAMOS project. This work involves us installing an NIR-device at the demo biorefinery and customising the user-side software experience so that routine plant operators can get quick actionable data regarding the composition of feedstocks and process outputs. This allows for much more responsive decision making and process optimisation. The integration of such a technology, tailored for the feedstocks, products, and side-streams of the topic, could be of particular value for this project.
  • Understanding rural business models and best practices - We have worked on the development of best-practices and feedstock producer guidelines for rural conditions in a number of EU projects (e.g. ENABLING and DIBANET.
  • Proposal Evaluation - In 2020 Celignis was the primary writing partner in EnXylaScope, a project specifically focused on the extraction of xylan and on its subsequent modification to be suitable as a component in a range of consumer products. This proposal was successful and the project started in May 2021. As a result of this experience, and our involvement in other proposals related to rural communities, we have a good understanding of the current art in this topic and how an impactful proposal can be developed. As a result we will be happy to put forward suggestions as to how a competitive proposal can be drafted.

Related Celignis Projects

Expected Outcomes of CBE-2023-IA-01

Successful proposals will contribute to the Bioeconomy Strategy, the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, and the Common Agriculture Policy by promoting new economically viable and environmentally sustainable business models for a successful green transition in primary production and rural areas in line with the European Green Deal objectives.

Project results should contribute to the following expected outcomes:
  • Deployment of sustainable, inclusive, and reliable biobased value chains in rural areas with a focus on fair economic returns at local (farm) level
  • Industrial competitiveness, strategic autonomy and resource independence of bio-based value chains of EU member states and/or Associated countries
  • Improved circularity and resource efficiency via practical application of the circular (bio)economy concept, e.g., by maximising the valorisation of residual biomass
  • Contribution to additional, diversified incomes and generational renewal in rural areas, with the potential for a multiplier effect when replicated across the EU
  • New skilled jobs opportunities and investments in the bio-based sectors in rural areas, particularly in regions with underdeveloped capacities, improved innovation capacities and product portfolio extension in primary production sectors and SME's
  • Significant reduction of land use and other climate and environmental benefits
  • Efficient recycling of nutrients transportation and logistics costs reduction and overall enhanced circularity of nutrients cycles
  • Social acceptance of circular bio-based solutions and products

Scope of

Small-scale biorefineries are attractive, especially to rural stakeholders, because they may not require a high level of initial investment in comparison to large-scale facilities and, therefore, often provide a quicker return on investment. In addition, technology providers benefit from this model because of its high replication potential across Europe.

Small-scale biorefineries have the potential to offer diversification opportunities for primary producers and local rural stakeholders by:
  • processing their biomass directly at source (shortening logistic chains and avoiding degradation, increasing production value) to produce new biorefinery products based on the circular use of local resources, and/or
  • providing additional sources of income in rural areas and supporting the economy of scale with new biorefinery products based on the circular use of local resources.
While some small-scale and/or modular biorefinery solutions, such as the EIP-OG Biorefinery Glas and BBI IA-DEMO AGRI-MAX, have already been successfully demonstrated, both technical and non-technical barriers still exist that prevent the broad implementation in Europe. Downscaling in particular poses a challenge in maintaining process- and cost-efficiency competitive with large scale processes that can exploit economy of scale. Smart and integrated process designs, as well as circular processes maximising the material use, can provide innovative solutions, while maximising the environmental benefits and bringing more value to the concerned rural actors.

Proposals Under CBE-2023-IA-01 Should:

  • Demonstrate the technical suitability and economic viability of small scale decentralised biorefinery concepts, which may include modular and mobile units, in rural areas, thereby considering safety and security issues for the operators of the plant and the possible interferences with the rural landscape (e.g. in terms of biodiversity).
  • Develop, demonstrate and validate resource-efficient technologies with a view to add value to locally available resources (underutilised biomass; by-products; residues; solid, liquid and gaseous waste and residual streams) at the point of origin, either as feedstock for conversion, or as process medium or growing medium for feedstock for further conversion.
  • Seek synergies with the existing regional food, feed, or bioenergy value chains to further strengthen their economic and environmental sustainability in line with the cascading principle of biomass use. In the context of CBE JU food, feed, and bioenergy (including biofuels) as main products are out of scope, but the related existing value chains can be involved. Food and feed ingredients and soil nutrients are in scope.
  • Evaluate the replication potential of the small-scale biorefinery concept, provide a sound business plan and training material in particular for primary producers and other rural actors.
  • Ensure an active involvement and profit sharing of primary producers in the value system.
  • Cooperate, if applicable, with central hubs, such as local and regional hubs, distribution centres, collection and processing points for further processing steps.
Proposals must apply the concept of the 'multi-actor approach’ and ensure adequate involvement of primary producers and other relevant actors in rural areas.

Proposals are encouraged to include regions with underdeveloped capacities and regions where rural bio-based pilot plants and demonstrational sites are missing or underrepresented.

Proposals should also describe their contribution to the Specific CBE JU requirements, presented in section, and the Cross-cutting elements, highlighted in section of the CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2023.

Where relevant, proposals should consider synergies and complementarities with results of past and ongoing EU funded projects and calls, including BBI JU.


Other Topics in the CBE 2023 Work Programme

Click here to see a list of the other CBE topics and how Celignis could be a valuable project partner for them.

The Value Celignis Can Bring to a CBE Project

We believe that we can make valuable contributions to projects covering a large number of the topics in the 2023 CBE work programme, based on our expertise in:

Extraction of Hemicellulose Polysaccharides

To date much of the innovations related to the valorisation of lignocellulosic feedstocks has focused on the cellulose and lignin fractions. In most technologies hemicellulose is broken down in the process to either monomeric sugars (e.g. xylose) or their derivatives (e.g. furfural). However, hemicelluloses, when retained in the polymeric form, can have outstanding physical and chemical properties which make them suitable for incorporation in an array of consumer products, replacing less-sustainable product components and so allowing for greener market options for the consumer.

Celignis is the technical lead in the €6m Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope which focuses on the efficient extraction of xylan, the most abundant hemicellulose polysaccharide, and its subsequent modification to confer properties that make it suitable as an ingredient in a scope of consumer products. In the CBE/BBI project PERFECOAT Celignis is also working on extraction of xylan, from different feedstocks, so that it can ultimately be used as a binder in paints and coatings. We consider that integrating efficient methods for extracting hemicellulose polymers within the wider biorefinery process scheme will allow for higher-value products and a more sustainable and profitable process.

Our expertise in hemicellulose extraction is therefore relevant to a number of topics within the CBE-JU 2023 Work Programme, in particular:
Related Projects

Modification of Polysaccharides

An efficient extraction process is only one component in developing value-added products from polysaccharides. In many cases further treatment of the polymer is required in order to confer the physical and chemical properties that are required for the desired application/market. Such properties that can be influences with these modifications include the the rheology and water-resistance of the polymers.

At Celignis we also have extensive experience in such modifications using both enzymatic and chemical approaches. For example, in the Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope we are active in the discovery and application of enzymes for the debranching of xylan and for its subsequent modification for additional functionalities. In the CBE/BBI project PERFECOAT the focus is on the chemical modification of xylan in order to enhance its properties for application as a binder in paints and coatings.

In PERFECOAT we are also working on the extraction and modification of chitosan, from prawn shells, whilst we have also internally worked on processes focused on the extraction and modification of pectin. Additionally, as outlined in the video below, we have developed processes for the modification of seaweed-derived alginate to confer the desired physicochemical properties.

The ability to selectively and cost-effectively modify polymers is a key component of many topics in the CBE-JU 2023 Work Programme, in particular:
Related Projects

Identification, Extraction, and Purification of High Value Chemicals in Biomass

The CBE-JU recognises that biomass valorisation can involve much more than the processing of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Non-structural components of the plant can also be of value, in some cases being worth thousands of Euros per kilogramme. There are numerous examples of such high value constituents, with the most prominent recent example being the extraction, isolation, and purification of cannabinoids (in particular CBD and CBG) from hemp, which has developed into a multi-billion Euro industry.

At Celignis, we can play important roles at all stages in the valorisation of such compounds, starting from their identification and ending in their purification and the testing and modification of their functional and chemical properties. For identification, we firstly get a crude extract from the feedstock, obtained via various approaches, including pressurised liquid extraction. This extract is then profiled using our top-range QTOF-LC/MS system (Agilent iFunnel 6550), which can identify constituents to the femtogram-level, and the spectra and chromatograms reviewed by Sajna, our Bioanalysis Developer. If necessary, we can collect the relevant fractions from the LC system and confirm the identification using a number of different chemical and spectroscopic techniques. We then determine which constituents warrant extraction and then work on optimising a targeted extraction method. This method considers not only the yield of the target compound(s) but also the chemical and energy costs of the process and the implications for the downstream processing and valorisation of the solid residue, evaluated by Oscar, our technoeconomics analysis (TEA) expert. We subsequently work on the isolation and purification of the targeted compound(s) from this extract, again considering the commercial and scale-up implications.

Celignis undertook such an approach in the CBE/BBI project UNRAVEL where the extractives of 25 feedstocks were profiled using QTOF-LC/MS. We identified betulin in birch bark as the most attractive compound and subsequently worked on developing an optimised extraction protocol and an isolation/purification process scheme that offered several advantages, in terms of sustainability and safety, over the current art. Click here for a news article on this work. We are also using employing our compositional analysis and purification expertise in the Horizon Europe project SteamBioAfrica where we evaluate and process the liquid condensate obtained from the steam torrefaction process and consider market applications for its constituents, fractions, and derivatives.

Our high-value-chemicals expertise is of particular value for improving the competitiveness of a biorefinery process, through employing the principle of the cascading use of biomass. For example, a relatively minor component of biomass can substantially improve the financial viability of a technology if it can be sold at a high price. As a result, such an approach can make important contributions to a number of the 2023 topics, such as:
Related Projects

Real-Time Analysis of Feedstocks and Process Outputs

We have extensive expertise in the development of algorithms and models for rapidly predicting the composition of samples using their near infrared spectra. This allows the time for analysis (for detailed lignocellulosic compositional paramaters) to be reduced from weeks to seconds. To date we have tens of thousands of biomass samples in our proprietary models for lignocellulosic composition and we have also developed custom models for feedstocks and pretreatment/bioprocess outputs in the CBE-JU/BBI-JU RIA projects BIOrescue and UNRAVEL. In BIOrescue we developed custom software, employing a browser interface for the user, that allowed us to tailor the model-generation and composition-prediction experience to the requirements of our lab personnel and in-house chemometricians. This software also employed advanced chemometric techniques that we proved, in project deliverables, to deliver improved accuracies in prediction over the conventional PLS approaches.

This software is constantly being improved and, in the ongoing CBE-JU/BBI-JU Innovation Action (TRL7) project VAMOS we are deploying an upgraded version of it at the demo-scale biorefinery being built and operated by project partner Fiberight. This has allowed us to extend the reach of our predictive models beyond our own laboratories and into the global biorefinery landscape. We see many opportunities, within the current CBE-JU topics, to apply and refine this at-line analysis system to other IA (demo) projects as well as for Flagship projects. In addition, we also plan for the deployment of in-line analyses, using Celignis-developed models, using the latest state-of-the-art and cost-effective hardware on the market.

While there are numerous options currently on the market for NIR hardware, there is no robust solution currently available for the at-line/in-line analysis of lignocellulosic feedstocks and process outputs/residues. This is due to the complexity of such analysis, the difficulties often faced in getting precise and representative data, and the widely varying outputs of different biomass processing technologies. At Celignis, however, we have years of expertise in getting precise lignocellulosic data and in using these data as inputs to our chemometric tools. As a result Celignis provides full vertical integration regarding advancing the art in rapid biomass analysis and the utilisation of biorefinery data.

Our abilities to develop on-site rapid analysis solutions are applicable to many of the Innovation Action and Flagship topics of the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme, including:
Related Projects

Compositional Analysis

As detailed throughout this website, the Celignis team are highly experienced in a wide array of methods for the compositional analysis of biomass and process intermediates and outputs/residues for lignocellulosic and thermal properties. Our expertise also extends to seaweed, algae, and a large variety of functional molecules many of which have large future potential in substituting for the use of fossil fuels in the production of consumer and industrial products.

We have an wide array of equipment that allow us to obtain the required compositional data, including an extensive chromatography laboratory that includes state-of-the-art equipment, such as our QTOF-LC/MS system.

Our in depth understanding of the steps involved in the processing of biomass also allow us to bring forward suggestions to other partners in the consortium, based on the analytical data we obtain, on how the project's technologies can be improved.

Our expertise in compositional analysis, and in the understanding and process implications of compositional data, is relevant to all of the topics of the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme.

Related Projects

Fermentation Optimisation

Microbial conversion of sugars to chemicals and fuels is considered advantageous over chemical processes, but is a challenging area due to the high number of variables involved in the process. Fermentation process development involves: selection of microbes to produce the desired product, screening of microbes, media engineering, process optimisation, scale-up, downstream designing, etc. Screening and optimisation involve hundreds of runs which is labour and time intensive. Know-how in the area of microbiology, bioprocess engineering and design of experiments (DOE) can significantly reduce the number of experimental runs and time involved in the preliminary screening and optimisation process.

With our CIO Lalitha and our Bioanalysis Developer Sajna we have the expertise and knowledge to optimise fermentation processes for high yield and productivity in short-time. Our personnel have proven scientific record in producing enzymes, biofuels, biosurfactants, exopolysaccharides and prebiotics through aerobic and anaerobic fermentation processes.

Celignis also has numerous bioreactors, ranging from 1 litre to 100 litres capacity, that allow us to undertake an extensive DoE approach in optimising fermentations.

Our expertise in fermentation is particularly relevant to the following topics of the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme:
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-03 (Robust and Optimised Industrial Biotech and Chemical/Industrial Biotech Processes);
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-03 (Improve Fermentation Processes (Including Downstream Purification) to Final Bio-Based Products);
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-05 (Development of Scalable, Safe Bio-Based Surfactants with an Improved Sustainability Profile);
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-06 (Selective, Sustainable Production Routes Towards Bio-Based Alternatives to Fossil-Based Chemical Building Blocks); and
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-01 (EU-Wide Network of Pilot Plants and Testing Facilities, Improving SMEs and Start-Ups' Access to Scale-Up).
Related Publications

Discovery and Use of Enzymes

Our team has years of experience in discovery and use of enzymes for deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass and, with Celignis participation in EU projects like EnXylaScope, this experience is expanded to enzymes useful for modification of the xylan fraction of lignocellulosic biomass.

The discovery of enzymes needs rapid analysis methods and, by understanding the action of enzymes and the changes that occur in the substrate, the Celignis team can develop simple high-throughput screening methods for the discovery of enzymes. This is currently being undertaking in EnXylaScope for xylan side-chain acting enzymes.

Celignis is also discovering enzymes and designing enzyme cocktails for lignocellulose deconstruction aiming at production of monomeric and oligomeric sugars and for generating clean lignin for lignin valorisation purposes. We are also isolating the microbes that have the ability to produce a cocktail of enzymes for increasing the productivity and yields of biogas from complex recalcitrant streams such as late cut grass, wheat straw and garden waste.

Celignis follows traditional methods in enzyme screening allowing the isolation of natural enzyme producers which means that enzyme cocktails developed by Celignis are non-recombinant in nature. The enzymes discovered are studied for various characteristics such as nature of protein (Molecular weight, hydrophobicity); kinetics (reaction and inhibition); optimum reaction conditions etc. Celignis has a collection of close to 100 strains capable of producing a range of enzymes that act on a variety of substrates.

Our expertise in enzymes is particularly relevant to the following topics of the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme:

Related Projects


Process Flow Diagrams and Techno-Economic Analysis of the Process

Bioprocesses are complicated, with several upstream and downstream process unit operations to achieve the final product. Celignis's process engineering team has several years of expertise in performing techno-economic analyses (TEA) for the conversion of biomass to biofuels and chemicals. Celignis performs techno-economic analysis from the process concept design and uses it for economic optimisation of the process together with the yield optimisation. This process is done iteratively during the course of the project to achieve the process optimised for conversion efficiencies and economics. Our process engineers develop TEAs for multiple scenarios of the same process and perform sensitivity analyses to identify the major contributors of the operation's cost to allow development of economically-viable processes without sacrificing the process yields.

Celignis is developing PFDs and performing TEA for the Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope, where the analysis is being performed for enzyme production, extraction of xylans, and use of enzymes for the modification of xylans.

Our TEA expertise is relevant to all RIA and Innovation Action topics in the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme.
Related Projects

Biomass Pretreatment and Fractionation

Based on our bioprocessing and compositional expertise, we have a very good understanding of how to optimise biomass pretreatment processes. For our clients we have analysed hundreds of samples of outputs from biomass pretreatment processes. We have a very strong understanding of the chemistry of biomass and how to evaluate the conversion and valorisation of the main constituents of lignocellulosic biomass (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin). We target mass-closure in our analysis so that the full mechanisms of conversion can be understood and we have a suite of analytical methods to characterise process liquids for monomers, oligomers, sugar degradation products, and fermentability. Our CBE project UNRAVEL concerns the development of a pretreatment process and Celignis plays a key role in the project regarding the analysis of the products of pre-treatment and by investigating the influence of extractives in biomass pretreatment. In our completed BBI project BIOrescue we also analysed the solid and liquid outputs of biomass pretreatment and developed rapid analysis models for them using near infrared spectroscopy.

Our pre-treatment/fractionation expertise is particularly relevant to the following topics of the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme:
Related Projects

Anaerobic Digestion and Fermentation

We have years of experience in various types of anaerobic fermentation and anaerobic digestion for the production of chemicals and fuels. The team has knowledge and experience in isolation and handling of Clostridial strains and clostridial fermentations for the production of hydrogen, organic acids and solvents. Celignis's CIO Lalitha Gottumukkala has published several articles in the area of Clostridial fermentation, especially for biobutanol. Celignis’s AD expert Kwame has optimised the process for sequential production of bioethanol and biogas from paper sludge as part of his Process Engineering Research Masters in Stellenbosch University, South Africa and has published articles on the same.

Celignis is using this expertise in the development of an advanced anaerobic digestion process design (STEAME) that allows high volumetric productivity and yields. This is being done as part of a nationally-funded project (Irish Research Council). In this process, the thermophilic nature of archaea is taken advantage of together with the ability of Clostridia to digest complex feedstocks. In STEAME Celignis is using expertise in biomass pretreatment together with microbial and enzyme expertise to enhance the anaerobic digestion of late-cut grass, wheat straw and other complex-recalcitrant agricultural residues.

Celignis also provides services for biomethane potential (BMP) determination; anaerobic toxicity assays; specific hydrolytic, acidogenic and methanogenic potential using its 90 1L anaerobic digestion reactors. Celignis has also the reactor set-up for continuous anaerobic digestion and sequential continuous anaerobic digestion that allows two stage and multi-stage digestion. Additionally, the Celignis team also has strong expertise in the valorisation and treatment of food industry effluent streams and is providing consultancy for three years for the operation of high-rate digesters that process 60 m3/h of dairy industry waste streams. This expertise is of particular value in EU projects where zero-pollution is the process target.

Our AD experience is particularly relevant to the following topics of the 2023 CBE-JU Work Programme:
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-05 (Pre-Normative Research to Develop Standards for Biodegradability of Bio-Based Products in Controlled and Open Environments);
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-03 (Improve Fermentation Processes (Including Downstream Purification) to Final Bio-Based Products); and
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-01 (EU-Wide Network of Pilot Plants and Testing Facilities, Improving SMEs and Start-Ups' Access to Scale-Up).
Related Projects

Successful Proposal Writing and Proposal Evaluation

Dan Hayes wrote the €3.7m, 14 partner, EU project DIBANET from which Celignis spun-out of whilst, more recently, Lalitha Gottumukkala wrote the €6m, 13 partner, Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope, which started in 2021. Celignis personnel have also been successful as the primary authors of proposals for the EU's INNOSUP and Marie-Curie programmes, as well as for a number of nationally funded projects (e.g. the STEAME project).

In addition, both Lalitha and Dan have, for a number of years, been Expert Evaluators for proposals submitted to the BBI-JU (the precursor to the CBE-JU). As a result we have a good understanding of what makes a good proposal and what will improve the chances of a project being funded, hence we can give valued advice to proposal coordinators regarding the direction and focus of a proposal.

Successful EU Proposals Primarily Written By Celignis Personnel

Pitches for Specific Topics in the 2023 CBE Call

Below we list a number of the topics in the CBE 2023 work programme in which we think we can play a valuable role. These topics cover: Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Innovation Actions (IA), Flagships (IAFlag), and Coordinating and Supporting Actions (CAS).

Please click on the link for each topic to see more details on it and on the contributions that Celignis can make.

Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs)

Below are listed our pitches for RIA topics in the CBE-JU 2023 Work Programme. For other topics click to jump to our lists for Innovation Actions (IA), Flagships (IAFlag), and Coordinating and Supporting Actions (CAS).

HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-01 – Phyto-management; curing soil with industrial crops, utilising contaminated and saline land for industrial crop production

This topic concerns the practice of phytomanagement, which is defined as the use of non-food, high-biomass yielding crops to reduce and control the risks arising from soil pollution. It is important not only that this approach results in a marked reduction in soil pollution levels but also that the crops are efficiently valorised. Following the biorefinery principle, as much of possible of the biomass should be used for the production of high-value products.

Celignis can make important contributions in a number of areas to this topic, including:
  1. Undertaking detailed composiitonal analyses of the soils and crops in order to evaluate the impact of the phytomanagement approach on pollution remediation and on the potential valorisation options for the crop;
  2. Checking soil and plant data against threshold values that may preclude/exclude the desired approach;
  3. Application of our biomass fractionation technologies for extraction of the main biomass polymers and their modification to higher value products, can be demonstrated at up to the 100 litre level in the project and has been applied in the CBE/BBI RIA project PERFECOAT;
  4. Identification of the high value extractives in the crops and the development of sustainable and cost-effective approaches for their extraction, purification, and modification (an approach developed in the CBE/BBI RIA project UNRAVEL);
  5. Development of rapid tools for soil and plant analysis, in this project the transfer of our near infrared models to hand-held devices, and adaptation to the crops being grown in the project, would be particularly advantageous as it would give farmers an on-site tool to evaluate the efficacy of the phytomanagement approach. Our devleopment of NIR models has been a key component of a number of prior and ongoing CBE/BBI projects.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

Full Pitch...CBE2023-R-01

HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-02 – Optimised forest-based value chains for high-value applications and improved forest management

Here the focus is on collecting and effectively using quality data with regards to the important parameters associated with a growing forest. These data should be fed into decision making tools that help to maintain/improve forest health and to effectively valorise not only the wood feedstock but also the side-streams and lower-quality materials, such as rotten wood and storm-damaged wood. The project can also potentially look at the downstream processing of the selected feedstock for specific application markets.

In this project, Celignis's analytical extensive analytical expertise will be of key importance. Some of the key contributions we can make include:
  1. Non-invasive quality testing using near infrared spectroscopy, adapting our NIR models, specifically those for wood, that have been used in several prior CBE/BBI projects, to the specific feedstocks in the project and for hand-held devices;
  2. Detailed gathering of compositional data, using our wide array of analytical protocols for the extractives and lignocellulosic components of wood, that will help to feed the decision support systems developed in the project;
  3. Evaluation of damaged wood and side-streams - we have analysed thousands of samples of wood and side-streams from the foresty sector, such as bark, forestry residues, and damaged wood. Our bioprocessing department can also assess their suitability for a wide range of technologies;
  4. Downstream processing of feedstock, using our biomass fractionation technology developed in the CBE/BBI project PERFECOAT and the Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope;
  5. Process analysis to fully realise the cascading use of biomass.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

Full Pitch...CBE2023-R-02

HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-03 – Robust and optimised industrial biotech and chemical/industrial biotech processes

This topic focuses on taking advantage of biotechnological and chemical processes and using them in tandem to produce cost-competitive and environment friendly biobased products. In addition to this, cascading use of biomass aiming at zero pollution and zero waste operations, improvement in reactor designs, process designs, process controls and, where applicable, use of continuous production approaches is required. In the case of biotechnological advancements, the robust microbial hosts, enzymes or other catalysts that can withstand process stress conditions need to be developed with the integration of biofoundry and synthetic biology. Overall, the tandem use of biotechnology and chemical approaches should result in maximum productivity, yield, robustness and flexibility of the process.

Celignis expertise in process optimisation for biochemical, microbiological and chemical processes will allow it to make contributions in the following areas
  1. Conversion of hemicellulose fraction of the biomass to a variety of consumer products that can replace products derived from fossil fuel using enzymatic and chemical conversion methods;
  2. Chemical and enzymatic modification of biopolymers to change the chemical and physical properties of the polymer that will affect the hydrophobicity, rheology, binding abilities, bioactivity etc.;
  3. Fractionation of terrestrial and aquatic biomass by following mild process conditions and a combination of chemical and enzymatic process
  4. Process optimisation for microbial fermentations, enzymatic conversions, and biomass fractionations by improving upstream and downstream process conditions following design of experiments and statistical data analysis.
  5. Techno-economic analysis to evaluate the cost-competitiveness of the process with appropriate sensitivity analysis to determine the process steps with high impact on the economics of the process.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-04 – Development of novel, high-performance bio-based polymers and co-polymers

This topic targets the production of novel polymers from biomass. These can either be based on: modifications made to existing biomass polymers (e.g. the structural polymers of lignocellulose); on the polymerisation of bio-based monomers; or on a combination of these two forms of polymers. This RIA call looks for proposals that will address the performance issues (e.g. brittleness and low glass transition temperatures) that have historically been seen with biobased polymers. One approach suggested to deal with these issues is the co-polymerisation or blending with other materials.

The Celignis team are very excited by this research topic as we have been working on the production and tailoring of biomass polymers for some time, in a number of EU research projects. Some of the areas that we can contribute to this topic include:
  1. Extraction and modification of hemicellulose as a platform polymer for subsequent use, based on the signficant advances we have ,ade in tailoring, via chemical and biological routes, this polymer in the CBE/BBI project PERFECOAT and the Horizon Europe project EnXylaScope;
  2. Production of biobased monomers from lignocellulosic biomass using both chemical and biological approaches;
  3. Analytical expertise in the compositional and materials characterisation of a range of polymers, considering a variety of different end-uses;
  4. Pilot-scale (100 litres) production facilities at Celignis Bioprocess that include all necessary downstream processing equipment;
  5. Analysis and evaluation of process side-streams and residues, considering the importance of the cascading use of biomass and zero-pollution.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-05 – Pre-normative research to develop standards for biodegradability of bio-based products in controlled and open environments

The call topic is aimed at developing the methodology to test the biodegradation of biobased materials and products under controlled and open environments and at providing clear labelling practices for end-use consumers. The development of standard test methods and labelling should lead to increased social acceptance of the bio-based products and informed choices in their consumption. In order to achieve this, the gaps and needs in existing methods should be identified and improved. Protocols for replication of biodegradability tests should be generated and should be performed and monitored under the representative range of physical/chemical conditions. A proposal should be developed for the amendment or update of the standard test methods for biodegradability.

Celignis's expertise in analytics will come highly beneficial to this call topic. Some of the specific areas we can contribute towards are listed below:
  1. Biodegradability of the biobased material or product under anaerobic digestion conditions and anaerobic toxicity assays to study the inhibition of product on microbes in anaerobic digestion;
  2. Testing the eco-toxocity of the product by studying the toxicity on microbes, microalgae and plants;
  3. Chemical and structural analysis of the biobased product before and after partial degradation to identify any recalcitrant substances in the biobased product;
  4. Protocol development for testing the biodegradation in anaerobic digestion (controlled), home composting (controlled), natural water bodies, and different types of soil;
  5. Establishing round-robin tests across different laboratories and research institutes to study the inter-lab variability of the protocols developed.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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Innovation Actions (IAs)

Below are listed our pitches for IA topics in the CBE-JU 2023 Work Programme. For other topics click to jump to our lists for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Flagships (IAFlag), and Coordinating and Supporting Actions (CAS).

HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-01 – Small-scale biorefining in rural areas

Many biorefining technologies only become commecially viable at a certain scale. However, large-scale facilities require a significant CAPEX and require large quantities of feedstock, with the associated logistics issues. This topic focuses on the TRL6 demonstration of smaller-scale biorefineries that are focused on the valorisation of rural feedstocks and integration with rural communities and business models. However, for this approach to work it is necessary that the technologies are not overly complex and/or that the products are of sufficiently high value to llow such facilities to be commercially viable.

This project is of particular interest to Celignis due to the importance of rural communities in Ireland and because of the relevance of our expertise in topics important for this call, including:
  1. Our biomass fractionation technology, demonstrated at TRL5 to date, for extraction of the main biomass polymers and their modification to higher value products. This process has been developed and improved during the CBE/BBI RIA project PERFECOAT using feedstocks of relevance to rural and farming communities;
  2. Side-stream and residue valorisation - we have all the necessary analytical and bioprocessing expertise and equipment to fully characterise these side-streams and demonstrate cost-effective valorisation approaches for them.
  3. Demonstration of near infrared spectroscopy as a rapid analysis tool for feedstocks and process outputs, an approach already demonstrated on-site at the CBE/BBI IA project VAMOS.
  4. Expertise with analysis and processing of rural and farm-based feedstocks in national and EU projects.
  5. Understanding rural business models and best practices as a result of our involvement in the ENABLING project.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-02 – Production of safe, sustainable, and efficient bio-based fertilisers to improve soil health and quality

Soil health plays a significant role in many of the EU's future strategy documents (e.g. farm-to-fork, EU New Green Deal etc.) To address this important parameter, this call topic is aimed at developing alternatives to fossil-based agricultural fertilisers in order to ensure the autonomy of the EU fertiliser industry and the sustainability and safety of the fertiliser products. These products should be developed from nutrient-rich wastes or by-product streams (arising from biomass, food waste, and sludge-processing facilities) in order to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the dispersal of nutrients. Where applicable, innovative and biobased fertiliser coatings should be available for controlled release of the fertilisers. The product should be compared against its fossil-based counterpart to ensure agronomic efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

Celignis has, amongst its many other services, analysed biobased products for soil applications and has developed processes to enhance resource recovery and utilisation from various industry waste streams, including those of major food processors. As a result of these, and other, activities we below outline some of the areas in which Celignis can contribute to projects in this topic:
  1. Provide modified hemicelluloses for fertiliser coatings for slow release applications;
  2. Analysis of nutrient rich waste streams before and after transformations to fertiliser in order to assess the efficiency of recovery or conversion;
  3. Analyse the fertiliser product (chemical, physical, and biological) for product marketability and its compliance with EU fertiliser regulations;
  4. Assess the release-rate of nutrients, bioavailability, and plant uptake;
  5. Undertake plant growth trials and analyse plant and soil health using both chemical and biological methods.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-03 – Improve fermentation processes (including downstream purification) to final bio-based products

The EU is placing a strong emphasis on not just biobased products and processes but also on a zero-pollution action plan in order to ensure a circular economy. This topic is specifically aimed at demonstrating such process technologies for the large-scale deployment of industrial bio-based systems. Cascading-use of biobased feedstocks with improved environmental performances, allowing for maximum resource and energy efficiency and, hence, zero-waste and zero-pollution is the central core of the call topic. Downstream purification constraints for products that are chemically and thermally unstable should be in the scope of the proposal.

Celignis has several years of experience in the analysis and fractionation of biomass, allowing for valorisation of biomass through various (chemical, biochemical and microbiological) routes. Based on this experience, some of the areas in which we can contribute to the call topic are listed below:
  1. Fractionation and modification of hemicellulose (xylan) for biobased consumer products;
  2. Analysis of the biomass and process streams, arising from all process nodes, in order to assess the process efficiencies and to identify the major bottlenecks in the process;
  3. Process optimisation (chemical/biochemical/microbial) including removal of microbial inhibitors where applicable;
  4. Strategies for efficient utilisation of waste streams in order to meet zero-waste and zero-pollution targets;
  5. Demonstration of near infrared spectroscopy as a rapid analysis tool for feedstocks and process outputs, an approach already demonstrated on-site at the CBE/BBI IA project VAMOS.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-04 – Recycling bio-based plastics increasing sorting and recycled content (upcycling)

This topic concerns how biobased plastics are recovered and recycled, or otherwise valorised, when part of a heterogeneous waste stream. As a result, the demonstration of technologies for sorting and separating such plastics is a key part of the topic. Additionally, projects should also demomstrate how these biobased plastics, once recovered, are recycled, upcycled, or utilised.

Some of the ways in which Celignis can contribute to this topic are listed below:
  1. Biological processing (hydrolysis, fermentation, separation and downstream processing) of recovered biobased plastics at TRL6 for the production of high-value products (e.g. chemicals and materials);
  2. Techno-economic ananlysis of the process, with identification of key bottlenecks and advice on strategies for process optimisations;
  3. Market-update analysis - of the recycled bio-based plastic products;
  4. Biodegradability tests.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-05 – Development of scalable, safe bio-based surfactants with an improved sustainability profile

Biobased surfactants can be produced by chemical, biochemical and biological means, and are considered highly valuable biobased products because of their application in various industries. This topic is aiming for upscaling of the sustainable biobased surfactants (following SSbD principles) with a focus on feedstock diversification and feedstock sustainability. The project should contribute to not only demonstration of biobased surfactants but also reduction in feedstock imports and improved circularity and resource efficiency of the process. The products should be assessed for biodegradability, anti-microbial properties, environmental sustainability, ecotoxicity and human toxicity.

Celignis, as part of the EnXylaScope project, is developing products for the personal care and cosmetics sector. For these, the role of surfactants in the final formulations is critical. In addition to that Celignis’s analytical experience adds value to any project in the topic. Some of the ways in which we can contribute to this topic are listed below:
  1. Testing surfactants with xylan-based thickening and emulsifying agents to test their compatibility with the innovative personal care products being developed in EnXylaScope;
  2. Application-testing of surfactants for microbial processes, such as their use in enzymes production and enzyme application;
  3. Application-testing of surfactants in membrane filtration and concentration (reduction in membrane clogging and improvement in flux) of biobased products such as enzymes, biopolymers and microbes;
  4. Biodegradation tests for products and residue streams under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, as well as chemical analysis of feedstock, process streams, products and residues;
  5. Eco-toxicity tests for microbes, microalgae and plants as well as tests for anti-microbial activity and additional bioactivities (anti-oxidant, UV absorption etc) of the surfactants.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-06 – Selective, sustainable production routes towards bio-based alternatives to fossil-based chemical building blocks

The call topic is designed for the upscaling of bio-based chemicals that have the potential to replace fossil-based platform chemicals. Feedstock sustainability, cascading use of biomass, resource and energy efficiency, circularity, improvement in environmental performance, and social acceptance need to be considered. Reduced land use impact and moving away from sugar/starch, vegetable oils and glycerine platform should be addressed.

Celignis, as part of the EnXylaScope and PERFECOAT (CBE/BBI) projects, has developed platform polymers and chemicals from xylan. Together with our product development expertise, Celignis has strong analytical expertise and can design bespoke analyses suitable for the feedstocks, process, and products. Some of our potential contributions to this topic are listed below:
  1. Production of xylan-based platform polymers and chemicals for personal care, paints and coatings applications;
  2. Process optimisation inputs for resource and energy efficiency and improving the economic and environmental performance of the process;
  3. Chemical analysis of feedstock, process streams, residues and products;
  4. Biodegradation tests for products and residue streams under anaerobic and aerobic conditions;
  5. Eco-toxicity tests for process tests and products on microbes, micro algae and plants.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-07 – High performance, circular-by design, bio-based composites

The demonstration of fully-biobased composites using natural fibres and/or biobased synthetic fibers is the focus of the topic. The composites can be either thermoset or thermoplastic. The process should addressing CAPEX issues by employing energy and resource-efficient process and environment issues by following SSbD principles, while achieving the end products that meet all the technical demands of the product in the final application. End of life and circularity challenges in terms of recycling, reusing, and upcycling need to be addressed.

The strong analytical expertise of Celignis in the biobased sector allows use to contribute to projects in this topic in several areas, including those listed below:
  1. Chemical analysis of feedstock, process streams, residues and products;
  2. Development of rapid on-site analysis tools using NIR, as demonstrated for different feedstocks in the CBE/BBI Innovation Action project VAMOS;
  3. Assessing and working on improving the technoeconomic performance of the process, considering its energy and resource efficiency;
  4. Biodegradation tests for products and residue streams under anaerobic and aerobic conditions;
  5. Eco-toxicity tests for process tests and products on microbes, microalgae and plants.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Innovation Action projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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Flagships (IA-Flagship)

Below are listed our pitches for IA-Flagship topics in the CBE-JU 2023 Work Programme. For other topics click to jump to our lists for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Innovation Actions (IA), and Coordinating and Supporting Actions (CAS).

HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-01 – Optimised and integrated wood-based value chains

This topic focuses on the TRL8 demonstration of technologies to fully valorise wood, and side-streams associated with the wood-harvesting and wood-processing industries, moving towards the concept of "zero waste, zero pollution" operations.

The strong analytical expertise of Celignis in the biobased sector, including participation in a number of EU-funded projects focused on the efficient valorisation of wood, allows use to contribute to projects in this topic in several areas, including those listed below:
  1. Chemical analysis of feedstock, process streams, residues and products;
  2. Development of rapid on-site analysis tools using NIR, as demonstrated for different feedstocks in the CBE/BBI Innovation Action project VAMOS;
  3. Assessing and working on improving the technoeconomic performance of the process considering the energy and resource efficiency of the process.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Flagship projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-02 – Expansion and/or retro-fitting of biorefineries towards higher-value bio-based chemicals and intermediates

Projects under this topic should focus on expanding the production capacities of existing facilities processing biomass in order to allow for the production of higher-value products and for a more complete valorisation of the feedstock(s). Alternatively, existing facilities, or disused assets, can be retrofitted with modern biomass valorisation technologies as a means of lowering the CAPEX associated with deployment of TRL8 facilities.

The strong decade-long analytical expertise of Celignis allows use to contribute to projects in this topic in several areas, including those listed below:
  1. Laboratory analysis of feedstocks, side-streams, residues, wastes, and products;
  2. Development of rapid tools for the on-site analysis of inputs and output tools, as proven in the CBE/BBI Demo project VAMOS;
  3. Assessing technoeconomic performance of the proces and examining ways in which it can be improved.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Flagship projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-03 – Bio-based packaging materials with improved properties: barrier, food contact, forming, printability, safety, recyclability/circularity-by-design

This topic focuses on the TRL8 demonstration of the production of biobased packaging materials with improved functional properties. Surface and/or barrier properties were defined as being of particular importance.

The strong analysis expertise of Celignis means that we can make important contributions to this topic in areas including those listed below:
  1. Compositional analyses of inputs, outputs, and side-streams of all nodes of the process, including the final products;
  2. Demonstration of rapid on-site analysis tools and using NIR, as undertaken in the CBE/BBI IA project VAMOS;
  3. Assessing and exmaining routes to improving the technoeconomic performance of the process, with particular consideration given to the process's energy and resource efficiency.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Flagship projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-04 – Valorisation of aquatic biomass waste and residues

The Flagship that will be funded under this topic will need to demonstrate the TRL8 valorisation of residues and waste-streams arising from various aquatic industries, such as seafood processing, aquaculture, and the seaweed sector. The technologies demonstrated in this topic should focus on the particularly interesting chemistries of such aquatic resources and demonstrate the production of end-products that exploit this chemistry.

In recent years Celignis has been very active in the analysis of aquatic resources and in the development of bioprocesses to efficiently valorise them. Below we list some of the constributions that we can make towards projects in this topic:
  1. Chemical analysis of feedstocks and process outputs, we have experience in analysing all the chemical parameters of aquatic feedstocks;
  2. Development of rapid on-site tools for the compositional analysis of feedstocks and process outputs using near infrared spectroscopy, as demonstrated for lignocellulosic feedstocks in the CBE/BBI IA project VAMOS and for aquatic feedstocks in-house;
  3. Undertaking a detailed technoeconomic audit of the process.
As a Full Industry Member of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), Celignis is eligible to participate as a partner in CBE Flagship projects such as this one.

Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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Coordinating and Supporting Actions (CSAs)

Below are listed our pitches for CSA topics in the CBE-JU 2023 Work Programme. For other topics click to jump to our lists for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Innovation Actions (IA), and Flagships (IAFlag).

HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-01 – EU-wide network of pilot plants and testing facilities, improving SMEs and start-ups' access to scale-up

This CSA topic involves the mapping of facilities and infrastructures for the piloting and upscaling of bioprocesses as well as for the testing of the inputs and outputs of such processes. The topic also involves the provision of assistance, training, and support services for SMEs and start-ups with regards to the scale-up of their technologies. The project can also involve the provision of financial support to third-parties for supporting their requirements for scaling up processes and laboratory testing.

This topic is especially suited for Celignis's participation given our status as a well-renowned analytical and bioprocess development laboratory. Specific contributions that we can make to this topic are listed below.
  1. Provision of laboratory analysis services for SMEs and other stakeholders, either through tokens provided to them via the third-party support system, or through direct-assistance using Celignis's project budget. Celignis previously provided such services as part of the BioBase4SME project;
  2. Provision of bioprocess development and scale-up services up to TRL6;
  3. Training services (on-site) and materials (videos, protocols etc.) for laboratory analysis and bioprocess development activities;
  4. Experience in the development of infrastructure/biomass maps and guidelines of best practice in a number of other EU projects;
  5. Technical expertise in all areas of biomass processing and chemistry.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-02 – Supporting the capacity of regions in environmental sustainability assessment for the bio-based sectors

In this topic the focus is on providing supporting services for sustainability assessments for activities related to the valorisation of biomass resources. The particular focus for the implementation of these supports is at a regional level given that there are characteristic differences between the types of activities that are undertaken at different regions throughout Europe and between their relative impacts on sustainability.

Celignis has experience in participating in CSA projects with similar targets to this topic. We believe we can make important contributions in a number of areas, including those listed below.
  1. Market analyses and coaching activities, as undertaken by Celignis in the CSA project ENABLING and in our pivate projects provided to our clients;
  2. Policy analysis and recommendations, as undertaken by Celignis in some of our other projects (e.g. EnXylaScope);
  3. Review of the existing landscape of biobased systems, leveraging the multidisciplinary expertise of the Celignis team.
  4. Regional mapping studies, as led by Celignis in ENABLING;
  5. Contributions towards LCA aspects of the project, particularly where linked to the effects of variable feedstock composition and quality.
Click here to read more about the contributions we can make to this topic as well as to get some more information about the call.

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