1. Request a Quotation
You should add sample(s) to an order, either via the Celignis Database, or using our forms.2. Receipt of Quotation
We will typically send a quotation to you within one working day after receiving your quotation request. Upon receipt of the quotation you can either:
(a) amend the order (see Step 3).
(b) commit to the order (through a purchase order or payment, Step 4)
(c) cancel the order (for example
by deleting the order on the Celignis Database).
3. Amend the Order (if applicable)
At this stage you can modify your order, for example by changing analysis packages or adding/removing samples. This action can be carried out on the Celignis Database or by emailing us with an updated sample form.4. Make the Order
Once you are happy with your selection of samples and analysis packages you can then commit to the order via email and through the issuing of a purchase order or through payment.5. Send the Samples
After placing the order, please post the samples to:
Celignis Limited
Unit 11 Holland Road
Plassey Technology Park
V94 7Y42
6. Analysis and Provision of Data
Once we receive your samples you will get an email from the Celignis Database informing you that they have arrived.7. Make Payment
We would typically expect payment within 30 days after the invoice has been issued. We accept payment via bank transfer (as outlined in the invoice) and have separate bank accounts in Euros and US dollars.